Welcome to my personal page of information.

You can reach out to me at Twitter @malcolmaaron22 🐦  or just search for #mavthread there

<aside> 🕯️ Disclaimer: This is all from my personal research progress. It’s not complete as knowledge are vast and none of the links/articles is mine unless stated

I do hope my compilation work is useful to kickstart your own journey 💪  It has helped me tremendously by strengthening my foundation on this topic and within this disruptive space, there’s always something new every day


Knowledge is power - Sir Francis Bacon, 1527

<aside> 2️⃣ Got some theoretical in your head already? Let’s use the tools to apply the knowledge you’ve gained: MAV Blockchain Tools



Basic NFT 101


Intermediate NFT 201


Overall Guide Websites


Pentas.io Specific Guide